Photo by Augustine Toscano
HELLO, FRIENDS! My name’s Sam Roberts. I’m the creator of the Ames Tap Water brand. I make things for fun and sometimes I sell them if I think other people want to buy those things, also for fun. This is one of those things.
WHERE DID THIS BRILLIANT IDEA COME FROM? Wonderful question. I grew up in Ames, Iowa and was raised on the best tap water in the world. After officially growing up, I then went to college at Iowa State University, where I received a degree in graphic design. It was during that stint on January 1st, 2017 that I decided that it would be funny to own a baseball cap with the words "Ames Tap Water" on it. That’s pretty much the story.
NOW I SELL HATS and other things. We currently have hats, patches, and stickers for sale here at amestapwater.com. We also have shirts and crewnecks for sale through Teespring and Amazon. If you're still confused, don't think any harder. This website exists so you can buy products about Ames Tap Water. They are real products. It is a real website. We accept real money.
A SIDE NOTE: I actually am very, very grateful to have grown up in Ames. As of October 2021, 100% of the profits from Ames Tap Water sales will be donated to YSS, a local non-profit which empowers and advocates for youth in the Ames area. PLEASE do not let this be your sole reason for buying a hat— I'd much rather you just donate $20 to a nonprofit yourself. That being said, if you do buy a hat or the like, know that the proceeds are going to a good cause.
That is all. Thank you, and stay hydrated.
–Sam from Ames Tap Water <3